Gems to savour (1)

6 Oct

In response to the Feast Day of St Francis, I thought to share these lovely pieces.

First, my photo of the cross before which Francis was praying when he sensed God’s call to him.


Next, one of the versions of the Franciscan Blessing: it is worth spending time with.

It is not for reading so much as for carrying around in one’s head and heart. The meaning is not just in the words but in the way they take hold of us, sometimes by surprise—things, needs, situations, failings, possibilities will reach out to us. This is how it is a blessing: it is sends us into life, to find our place along with what the Creator-Spirit is doing. 

May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships,
so that we will live deeply in our hearts.

May God bless us with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people and the earth,
so that we will work for justice, equity and peace.

May God less us with tears to shed for those who suffer,
so that we will reach out our hands to comfort them and change their pain to joy.

And may God bless us with the foolishness to think that we can make a difference in our world,
so that we will do the things which others say cannot be done.

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